Monthly Archives: March 2014

Dear me.

It has been so long since I last visited my little blog, I had to battle through cobwebs, and brandish my feather duster, just to find the poor thing!

I am a rather unreliable blogger, aren’t I? Two pretty (okay, very) grim years left me short of anything much to write. Except misery and moaning, and, I thought, as the saying goes, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. No one wants to read post after post of whinging, do they?

Though…one super duper amazing thing happened to me last year, but I got all shy about that…and still am! However, prepare for a post about him, I mean that!, very soon 🙂

Someone (*cough* look just above *cough*) recently told me to get posting on my sad, neglected blog again, and I accepted that instruction as a challenge of sorts.

Please, do bear with me as I tone my linguistic muscles up, try not to waffle about what I had for breakfast, whip my ideas into shape, and get my brain back into the blogging game.

I *will* be back soon!

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Filed under Catching up